Elena Baudo

Elena Baudo


Office Florence

Tel. +

Fax +

email: ebaudo@cdt.legal

Bar Association of Florence


Date and place of birth: March 3, 1974 (La Spezia)
Citizenship: Italian

Degree in Law, Department of Law, University of Pisa


Professional experiences:

2008 - present: Law Firm Casucci Di Tardo & Associati – CDT Legal (Commercial law, Corporate law and M&A, Corporate Governance, Commercial Contracts, Privacy Law, Employment Law, Litigation)


2006 - 2008: Studio Associato Schaub and May, Legal Dep., Florence and Rome (Commercial law, Corporate law and M&A, Corporate Governance, Commercial Contracts, Privacy Law, Employment Law, Litigation)


2001 - 2005: KStudio Associato, KPMG Legal Dep., Florence (Commercial law, Corporate law and M&A, Corporate Governance, Commercial Contracts, Privacy Law, Employment Law, Litigation, Intellectual – Patents, and Industrial Property)


Languages: Italian, French, English


Office Florence

Tel. +

Fax +

email: ebaudo@cdt.legal

Elena Baudo

Bar Association of Florence


Date and place of birth: March 3, 1974 (La Spezia)
Citizenship: Italian

Degree in Law, Department of Law, University of Pisa


Professional experiences:

2008 - present: Law Firm Casucci Di Tardo & Associati – CDT Legal (Commercial law, Corporate law and M&A, Corporate Governance, Commercial Contracts, Privacy Law, Employment Law, Litigation)


2006 - 2008: Studio Associato Schaub and May, Legal Dep., Florence and Rome (Commercial law, Corporate law and M&A, Corporate Governance, Commercial Contracts, Privacy Law, Employment Law, Litigation)


2001 - 2005: KStudio Associato, KPMG Legal Dep., Florence (Commercial law, Corporate law and M&A, Corporate Governance, Commercial Contracts, Privacy Law, Employment Law, Litigation, Intellectual – Patents, and Industrial Property)


Languages: Italian, French, English


Office Florence

Tel. +

Fax +

email: ebaudo@cdt.legal